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Welcome to our Justice Empire A/V Services site.

Here you will find information about who we are, the services we offer, some of the work we have done and some technical information to help you get started on your AV Project.

Our store is still in its development stage, and we’ll be sure to announce it when it is fully operational via our social media platforms.

Feel free to have a browse around, and don’t forget to link us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. This website is in constant development, so keep an eye out for new information, updates etc. If a page is missing, it may be being worked out, so try it again in a few moments. If you spot something that’s not working, or not quite right, feel free to let us know.

Alternatively, if you need to get in contact with us quick, call us on 01622 204602 or 07955 101161.




Dedicated Home Cinemas
Design & Installation
Multi-Room Audio/Visual
Smart Homes & Automation
Universal Control Systems